Fabulous Night Host-Song PRIDE -New Generation- Vendetta

Fabulous Night Host-Song PRIDE -New Generation- Vendetta / Tenma Hino (CV: Kensho Ono), et al.

Fabulous Night Host-Song PRIDE -New Generation- Vendetta full album

Catalog Number: MJSS-9334
Barcode: 4535506093349
Release Date: February 08, 2023
Publish Format: Commercial
Release Price: 2970 JPY
Media Format: CD
Classification: Vocal, Drama

abulous Night Host-Song PRIDE -New Generation- Vendetta download


1 NO DOUBT / 緋野天魔 (CV: 小野賢章)
2 Unfair Dance / Keith (CV: 高木朋弥)
3 INSIDE OUT / 統夜 (CV: 八代拓)
4 The Pride of HOST ~TENMA HINO~ [Dramatic Story-A Special Edition of Reading Dramas] / cast: 緋野天魔 (CV: 小野賢章)、Keith (CV: 高木朋弥)、統夜 (CV: 八代拓)、ヘルプ (CV: 室井海人)、芸能事務所のマネージャー (CV: 石井隆之)
5 The Pride of HOST ~Keith~ [Dramatic Story-A Special Edition of Reading Dramas] / cast: 緋野天魔 (CV: 小野賢章)、Keith (CV: 高木朋弥)、統夜 (CV: 八代拓)、ヘルプ (CV: 室井海人)、芸能事務所のマネージャー (CV: 石井隆之)
6 The Pride of HOST ~TOUYA~ [Dramatic Story-A Special Edition of Reading Dramas] / cast: 緋野天魔 (CV: 小野賢章)、Keith (CV: 高木朋弥)、統夜 (CV: 八代拓)、ヘルプ (CV: 室井海人)、芸能事務所のマネージャー (CV: 石井隆之)
7 [Special Feature-Bonus Tracks] 男本☆シャンパンコール ~暴虐の三銃士篇~ / Call: 緋野天魔 (CV: 小野賢章)、Keith (CV: 高木朋弥)、統夜 (CV: 八代拓)/シャンパンボーイス (立花涼・岡村拓真・YU・大庭晴貴・須田直輝)
8 NO DOUBT (Instrumental)
9 Unfair Dance (Instrumental)
10 INSIDE OUT (Instrumental)


Fabulous Night," a music-based host content in which 15 hosts from 5 clubs compete for the number one position, has finally produced solo songs for each of the 15 hosts on the "PRIDE" CD series, the first release of 2023. As the name "PRIDE" suggests, each of the 15 performers will be able to express their own determination. This CD features three members of Vendetta. In addition to the solo songs by Tenma Hino (CV: Kensho Ono), Keith (CV: Tomoya Takagi), and Tsuya (CV: Taku Yashiro), the CD also includes an audio drama (about 18 minutes in total) about each of the three "PRIDE" members, as well as the champagne call that only "Fabulous Night" can offer. The champagne calls in this series are called "Otoko Moto Champagne Calls," and each of the three singers' respective points of interest are highlighted in the calls. The jacket illustration is newly drawn.
"Otokomoto ☆ Champagne Call ~Love Quartet~" video

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