Mrs. Green Apple - Inferno English Lyrics | Fire Force OP

Inferno Lyrics by Mrs. Green Apple. Opening theme of the Fire Force anime 

Title: Mrs. Green Apple - Inferno English Lyrics | Fire Force OP
Album: Attitude
Release date: October 02, 2019
Lyrics by: é›·Bryanthekid @youtube


The darkness shines in my days
I got used to walking in it
My dream is to have a safe life
Even if it gets boring for lack of action

The light could become our darkness
If you do not know which way to go
Jealousy will sometimes try to surround you
So dot not let yourself be suffocated by its heat..

The feeling of remembering those who lead..
It's like a soft melody...

If you tell me there is no eternity...
Then smile because it's a good thing..

If the light that shines some day goes out
We have the fire of life
We will walk together until it disappears..

The sound of a toy can be the magic that heals pain,
Be sure to treasure it..

If you tell me there is no eternity..
We have the fire of life
We will walk together until it disappears...

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